

The Chadron State College 银河系列 is designed to stretch the experiences and imaginations of the institution’s students, 该地区的雇员和其他居民. 这是通过经典的编程完成的, 历史和当代视觉艺术家, 演讲者, 音乐家和表演者. Programming is chosen for artistic, educational, entertainment and multi-cultural values.




Amberley shares her experience from living the perfect life to it all crashing in an instant. 一场使她瘫痪的翻车事故改变了一切. She learns how accepting help and serving others can be such an important part of life. 安伯利展示了生活是如何击垮她的, 但在她家人的帮助下, 她一直在努力让朋友和信仰“重新走上正轨”.”



演出日期:售票处将在开演前30分钟开始营业. 如果有票,可以在活动开始前在门口购买.


Bindlestiff家庭马戏团. 21, 7 p.m.

Bindlestiff家庭马戏团带来了独特的杂耍杂耍, 马戏团, 滑稽的, 和CSC的杂耍. They have produced Off-Broadway shows and custom performances for audiences of all ages. Co-founders Stephanie Monseu and Keith Nelson are dedicated to the variety arts and have hosted many performers with outrageous talent.


Sheldon全州- 9月. 1-28

詹姆斯·艾林德(James Alinder. 拉什莫尔,布莱克山,南达科他州,1971年.

“On the Road Again” is an exhibition of artworks related to the open road from the collection of Sheldon Museum of Art at the University of 内布拉斯加州 Lincoln. 它将在2022-2023学年期间前往内布拉斯加州的八个社区.



2月. 28, 2020 - 7:30 p.m.

Dr. 伊恩·帕斯莫尔,列车长

成立于1921年, the 奥马哈交响曲 has been the flagship source for orchestral music in the state of 内布拉斯加州 and beyond for nearly 100 years. 带着强烈的, 持续致力于满足社区和观众的需求, the 奥马哈交响曲 brings the power and beauty of live orchestral music to audiences for generations to come.

Dr. 伊恩·帕斯莫尔,指挥简介:

凭借冒险的音乐性和感染力的舞台表现,Dr. 伊恩·帕斯莫尔作为指挥家和教育家有着丰富的职业生涯. 被《菠菜大平台导航》杂志称赞为“一位冉冉升起的年轻指挥家”,他的作品“光彩夺目”,他的表演因其独特而得到认可, 经常有大胆的解释. Following two seasons as the 奥马哈交响曲’s Assistant Conductor, the orchestra named Dr. 2019年担任副指挥, 一个在其近100年的历史中从未创造过的位置. 他之前的演出包括许多客座指挥, 包括他在河内的越南国家音乐学院的驻留. 十岁时开始自己的指挥研究. 帕斯莫尔的职业生涯也强调指挥教育学和音乐教育. His educational contributions include working with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra’s high school Side-by-Side program, as well as a position as Associate Instructor of Orchestral Conducting at the Indiana University Jacobs 学校 of Music. 在他的私人教学中, Passmore’s students have gone on to attend conservatories and summer festivals such as Indiana University, 里昂音乐学院, 以及阿斯彭音乐节 & 学校. Passmore拥有印第安纳大学音乐博士学位, with additional education from the University of Delaware and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 以及北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校. 他现在和未婚妻、指挥家黛安娜·菲奥雷(Dianna Fiore)住在奥马哈. 欲知详情,请浏览 maestropassmore.com.



1月. 29, 2020



2月. 20, 2020 - 7:00 p.m.

光滑的. 聪明的. 非常滑稽的. 这些词经常被用来形容山姆·亚当斯, who gained national attention by winning at the 2009 Great American Comedy Festival. The “True Color” video clip from his Dry Bar Comedy special filmed in 2017 when viral with over 10 million 脸谱网 views in less than 72 hours.

山姆的精力充沛, comically-insightful act is 100 percent profanity-free and filled with observations about his every-day encounters. He is a headline performer and featured speaker at comedy clubs and corporate events across the country, and has shared stages with national-touring comedians and music recording artists – a genre-jumping list of nationally-known performers ranging from comedians Craig Ferguson, 弗兰克经纪人卡利恩, Kevin Nealon and David Alan Grier to music’s Rock and Roll hall of Fame band Heart and seven-time Grammy Award winner Al Jarreau. The Denver Business Journal once gave Sam a favorable review for “bringing down the house with a string of well-delivered lines that were notable from their lack of profanity, 下流的或性的暗示. 山姆还拥有超过20年的报纸体育记者经验, 曾在《体育菠菜大平台》工作过, 《菠菜大平台导航》和《夏洛特观察家报.

In 2003 Sam received the Print Journalist of the Year award from his peers in Colorado. 他还在ESPN的电视节目中露面, 福克斯体育网, NFL网络和当地的CBS和NBC分支机构. He has covered championship events at all levels – most notable four Super Bowls and two Olympiads.

山姆还写了一本书, titled “If You Don’t Believe Me: Lessons Learned from Listening to The Greats” which was released in April, 2013. Hall of Fame quarterback John Elway wrote the following tribute to Sam for the book: “Through the ups and downs of an NFL career, 我建立了极大的信任, 来自他的尊重和感激. 将幽默与敏锐的洞察力和知识相结合的不可思议的能力, 山姆是一个独一无二的说书人.”




2月. 8, 2018 - 7:00 p.m.

桑德拉Uwiringiyimana is the co-founder of the Jimbere Fund, a human rights activist, and the author of the memoir 太阳怎么敢升起 (凯瑟琳·特根图书公司).

This profoundly moving memoir is the remarkable and inspiring true story of Uwiringiyimana, a girl from the Democratic Republic of the Congo who tells the tale of how she survived a massacre, 移民到美国, 并通过艺术和行动主义克服了她的创伤. Uwiringiyimana讲述了她的生存故事, 在一个新的国家找到自己的位置, 她对未来的希望, 以及她如何为她的人民发声.

在讲述她的故事时, Uwiringiyimana和查理·罗斯(Charlie Rose)一起登上了世界舞台, 安吉丽娜朱莉, 前国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特, 和蒂娜·布朗在世界妇女峰会上. She addressed the United Nations Security Council at the request of Ambassador Samantha Power to plead with world leaders to act on the pressing issue of Children in Armed Conflict. Uwiringiyimana已经成为妇女和女孩的声音, 难民和移民, 以及像巴尼亚穆伦格部落这样被遗忘的人.





在艺术上无与伦比的, 动作的优雅和精致, 国际知名的卡索尔木偶重新定义了木偶戏艺术. 感人而幽默的表演震惊了欧洲的观众, 远东和整个北美,包括肯尼迪中心, 安嫩伯格中心, Kravis中心, 还有很多其他的.

在演出中 运动中的生命,约瑟夫·卡索展示了他的木偶大师作品集. 深度特征, 完整性, 人类在一个完整的夜晚被描绘出来,这与今天的戏剧不同. The performance is a series of scenes taken from everyday life and set to beautiful music by composers such as Beethoven, 维瓦尔第, 施特劳斯, 和科普兰. 通过精湛的手法组合, 幽默, 感伤, 古典音乐, 还有诗意的洞察力, the Cashore牵线木偶 take the audience on a journey that celebrates the richness of life. 运动中的生命 是一个强大的, 娱乐, 令人惊讶的, 夸张地满足, 为成年人和年轻人准备的独一无二的夜晚.

The taking of photographs or operating of any recording devices during the performance is strictly prohibited.



卡尔家族牛仔乐队 The Carr Family has been ranching in the Sandhills of 内布拉斯加州 for well over a century. 通过音乐, Ronn, 朱迪, 安娜, Abby and Walter have been able to enjoy seeing the American west together while performing at special events and cowboy gatherings. 他们的标志性声音是由三把小提琴组成的, 一把吉他, 贝斯和曼陀林, 以及对历史和现代牛仔生活的真正理解.


马蒂拦截器 马蒂拦截器 is a working cowboy and ranch manage for a large cattle company just west of Cody, 内布拉斯加州. Plying his trade gives him a lot of subject matter for his poems and an edge of authenticity in his works. Besides writing his own poems Marty also recites works of past and present masters presenting a wider range of styles and stories.

R.P. 史密斯

R.P. 史密斯 is the fourth generation to raise cattle on the Pine Crest ranch at his home near Broken Bow, 内布拉斯加州. For the past 25 years Cowboy Poetry has helped him support his ranching habit and also given him some chances to travel with his family. 他的牛仔诗歌和乡村评论是牛肉产业的产物, 这是由牧场主的实践来定义的吗,反刍动物及其亲属,各行各业的人都喜欢它.